Project Publications
Papers in International Journals
Machado, C. A.; Esteves, A. F.; Pires, J. (2022). “Optimization of Microalgal Harvesting with Inorganic and Organic Flocculants Using Factorial Design of Experiments”. Processes, 10(6), 1124.
Porto, B.; Silva, T. F.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Esteves, A. F.; de Souza, S. M. G. U.; de Souza, A. A.; Pires, J.C.M.; Vilar, V. J. (2022). “Tubular photobioreactors illuminated with LEDs to boost microalgal biomass production”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 435, 134747.
Salgado, E. M.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Sánchez-Soberón, F.; Ratola, N.; Pires, J. C. (2022). “Microalgal cultures for the bioremediation of urban wastewaters in the presence of siloxanes”. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(5), 2634.
Gonçalves, A.L.; Almeida, F.; Rocha, F.A.; Ferreira, A. (2021). “Improving CO2 mass transfer in microalgal cultures using an oscillatory flow reactor with smooth periodic constrictions”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(6), 106505.
Silva, M. I.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C. (2021). “Experimental and techno-economic study on the use of microalgae for paper industry effluents remediation”. Sustainability, 13(3), 1314.
Gonçalves A. L.. (2021) “The Use of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the Improvement of Agricultural Practices: A Review on Their Biofertilising, Biostimulating and Biopesticide Roles”. Applied Sciences, 11(2), 871.
Porto, B.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Esteves, A. F.; de Souza, S. M. G. U.; de Souza, A. A.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2021). “Assessing the potential of microalgae for nutrients removal from a landfill leachate using an innovative tubular photobioreactor”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 127546.
Porto, B.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Esteves, A. F.; Souza, S.; Souza, A. A.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2020). “Microalgal Growth in Paper Industry Effluent: Coupling Biomass Production with Nutrients Removal”. Applied Sciences, 10(9), 3009.
Lopes, A. P.; Santos, F. M.; Silva, T. F.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2020). “Outdoor Cultivation of the Microalga Chlorella vulgaris in a New Photobioreactor Configuration: The Effect of Ultraviolet and Visible Radiation”. Energies, 13(8), 1962.
Esteves, A. F.; Soares, O. S.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.; Gonçalves, A. L.. (2020). “The Effect of Light Wavelength on CO2 Capture, Biomass Production and Nutrient Uptake by Green Microalgae: A Step Forward on Process Integration and Optimisation”. Energies, 13(2), 333.
Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Negative emissions technologies: a complementary solution for climate change mitigation”. Science of The Total Environment, 672, 502-514.
Santos, F. M.; Mazur, L. P.; Mayer, D. A.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Inhibition effect of zinc, cadmium, and nickel ions in microalgal growth and nutrient uptake from water: An experimental approach”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 366, 358-367.
Gonçalves, A. L.; Pires, J. C. (Eds.). (2019). “Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: Using Natural Resources for Sustainable Development”. Elsevier (ISBN: 9780128162293), 318 pages, Netherlands.
Pires, J. C. (Ed.). (2017). “Microalgae as a Source of Bioenergy: Products, Processes and Economics (Vol. 1)”. Bentham Science Publishers (ISBN: 978-1-68108-523-4), 426 pages, United Arab Emirates.
Book Chapters
Esteves, A.F; Salgado, E.M.; Machado, C.A.; Pires, J.C.M.; Gonçalves, A.L. (2023). “Mass production of microalgae for nutritional purposes”, in Handbook of Food and Feed from Microalgae: Production, Application, Regulation, and Sustainability (E. Jacob-Lopes, M. Queiroz, M.M. Maroneze, L. Zepka, Eds.), Elsevier (ISBN: 9780323991964), Netherlands.
Salgado, E.M.; Pires, J.C.M. (2022). “Photobioreactors modelling and simulation”, in Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Photobioreactors: Design and Applications, 1st Edition (R. Sirohi, A. Pandey, S.J. Sim, J.-S. Chang, D.-J. Lee, Eds.), Elsevier (ISBN: 978-0323999113), Netherlands.
Silva, M. I.; Esteves, A. F.; Pires, J. C.; Gonçalves, A. L. (2021). “Microalgal Biorefineries: Key Processes and Main Challenges”. In Microalgal Biotechnology (pp. 36-76), (A. Shekh, P. Schenk, R. Sarada, Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry (ISBN: 978-1-83916-003-5), UK.
Esteves, A. F.; Pires, J. C.; Gonçalves, A. L. (2021). “Current utilization of microalgae in the food industry beyond direct human consumption”. In Cultured microalgae for the food industry (pp. 199-248), (T. Lafarga, F.G. Acién-Fernández, Eds.), Elsevier (ISBN: 9780128210802), 199-248, Netherlands.
Losa, J. P.; Santos, F. M.; Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M.; Martins, F. G.; Pires, J. C. M.. (2020). “Dynamic modelling of microalgae growth”. In Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology. Kim, Se-Kwon (Ed.). Wiley Publications (ISBN: 978-1-119-14377-2), USA.
Santos, F. M.; Lopes, A. P.; Vilar, V. J. P.; Pires, J. C. M..(2020). “Microalgal growth and nutrient uptake in heavy metals polluted environments”. In Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology. Kim, Se-Kwon (Ed.). Wiley Publications (ISBN: 978-1-119-14377-2), USA.
Vale, M. A.; Ferreira, A.; Pires, J. C. M.; Gonçalves, A. L.. (2020). “CO2 capture using microalgae”. In Advances in Carbon Capture: Methods, Technologies and Applications. Rahimpour, M. R.; Farsi, M.; Makarem, M. A. (Eds.). Woodhead Publishing (ISBN: 9780128196571), UK.
Esteves, A. F.; Almeida, C. J.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Pires, J. C. M.. (2020). “Microalgae harvesting techniques”. In Handbook of Microalgae-based Processes and Products: Fundamentals and Advances in Energy, Food, Feed, Fertilizer and Bioactive Compounds (Jacob Lopes, E.; Maroneze, M. M.; Zepka, L. Q.; Queiroz, M. I. (Eds.). Elsevier (Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128185360), Netherlands.
Santos, F.M.; Pires, J.C.M. (2020). “Microalgae Cultivation in Wastewater to Recycle Nutrients as Biofertilizer”, in Environmental Biotechnology Vol. 1 (K.M. Gothandam, S. Ranjan, N. Dasgupta, E. Lichtfouse, Eds.), Springer (ISBN: 978-3-030-38191-2), 71-86, Switzerland.
Gonçalves, A. L.; Santos, F. M.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Microalgal Consortia: From Wastewater Treatment to Bioenergy Production”. In Grand Challenges in Algae Biotechnology (pp. 371-398). Hallmann, A.; Rampelotto, P. H. (Eds.). Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-25232-8), Nature Switzerland.
Santos, F. M.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Negative emission technologies”. In Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: Using Natural Resources for Sustainable Development (pp. 1-13). Pires, J. C. M.; Gonçalves, A. L. (Eds.). Elsevier (Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128162293), Netherlands.
Machado, C.A. (2022). “Optimisation of Microalgal Harvesting with Inorganic and Organic Flocculants using Factorial Design of Experiments”. Master thesis in Bioengineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (concluded).
Salgado, E.M. (2021). “Biogas upgrading through microalgae-based removal of siloxanes in liquid and gaseous effluents”. PhD thesis in Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (ongoing).
Salgado, E.M. (2021). “Microalgal cultures for the bioremediation of urban wastewaters in the presence of siloxanes”. Master thesis in Bioengineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (concluded).
Silva, M.I. (2020). “Paper industry effluents towards the development of energy-driven biorefineries: an experimental and techno-economic approach”. Master thesis in Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (concluded).
Vale, M. A.. (2019). “Cultivation of Microalgae in Oscillatory-Flow Reactors: CO2 Mass Transfer Optimization”. Master thesis in Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (concluded).
Esteves, A. F.. (2019). “Effect of light spectrum in nutrient uptake and biochemical composition of microalgae”. PhD thesis in Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (ongoing).
Esteves, A. F.. (2019). “Avaliação do Efeito de Diferentes Comprimentos de Onda da Luz no Crescimento de Microalgas e Remoção de Nutrientes”. Master thesis in Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (concluded).
Porto, B. (2018). “Produção de microalgas usando coletores parabólicos compostos: remoção de nutrientes em águas residuárias e produção de biodiesel”. PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (concluded).
Conference Meetings
Esteves, A.F.; Salgado, E.M.; Vilar, V.J.P.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Pires, J.C.M. (2022) “Effects of light intensity on microalgal cultures stress for lipid and carbohydrate accumulation: potential biofuels production”. 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET2022), Roma, Italy.
Salgado, E.M.; Esteves, A.F.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Pires, J.C.M. (2022) “Microalgal cultures for the bioremediation of effluents with different nitrogen to phosphorus ratios”. 5th International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy, Roma, Italy.
Esteves, A.F.; Porto, B.; Ferreira, A.; Vilar, V.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Pires, J.C.M. (2022) “PIV4Algae project: development and testing of innovative photobioreactors”. 13th IWA Specialist conference on Wastewater Ponds and Algal Technologies, Melbourne, Australia.
Salgado, E.M.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Sánchez-Soberón, F.; Ratola, N.; Pires, J.C.M. (2022) “Microalgal cultures for the bioremediation of urban wastewaters in the presence of siloxanes”. 13th IWA Specialist conference on Wastewater Ponds and Algal Technologies, Melbourne, Australia.
Esteves, A.F.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Porto, B.; Salgado, E.M.; Silva, M.I.; Ratola, N.; Vilar, V.J.P.; Pires, J.C.M. (2021). “PIV4Algae project results: Bioremediation of wastewater from different sources using microalgae”, Algae Europe 2021, Online.
Silva, M.I.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Vilar, V.J.P.; Pires, J.C.M. (2021). “Microalgae for Paper Industry Effluents Remediation”, IWA International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Asset Management, Porto, Portugal
Salgado, E.M.; Gonçalves, A.L.; Sánchez-Soberón, F.; Ratola, N.; Pires, J.C.M. (2021) “The Effect of Siloxanes in the Treatment of Effluents with Microalgae Cultures”, DCE 2021 – Doctoral Congress in Engineering 2021, Porto, Portugal.
Esteves, A.F. Esteves; Gonçalves, A.L.; Vilar, V.J.P.; Pires, J.C.M. (2021). “Modulation of light supply in Chlorella vulgaris cultures to enhance biomass productivities and biochemical composition”, DCE 2021 – Doctoral Congress in Engineering 2021, Porto, Portugal
Gonçalves, A.L. (2021). “An academic and curricular path dedicated to the environmental applications of microalgae: From bioremediation to biomass valorisation”. Keynote communication presented at the 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2021 – Chemical and Biological Engineering Symposium), Online event.
Gonçalves, A.L. (2021). “Exploring the environmental applications of microalgae: CO2 capture and nutrients removal from wastewaters”. Keynote communication presented at the XVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (ENSPQ), Online event.
Almeida, F.; Vale, M.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Ferreira, A.. (2019). “Novel oscillatory flow reactor for microalgal biomass production – study of CO2 mass transfer”. Algae Europe, Paris, França. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Esteves, A. F.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Almeida, C. J.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Effect of different light wavelengths on growth, nutrient removal and biomass production of green microalgae”. 2nd International Meeting on New Strategies in Bioremediation Processes (BioRemid), Porto, Portugal. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Porto, B.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Souza, S.; Souza, A. A.; Pires, J. C.; Vilar, V. J.. (2019). “Microalgal biomass production and nutrient recovery using innovative photobioreactors designs based on compound parabolic collectors”. 2nd International Meeting on New Strategies in Bioremediation Processes (BioRemid), Porto, Portugal. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Porto, B.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Souza, S.; Souza, A. A.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Potential of green microalgae in the bioremediation of wastewaters from different sources”. 2nd International Meeting on New Strategies in Bioremediation Processes (BioRemid), Porto, Portugal. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Esteves, A. F.; Gonçalves, A. L.; Martins, F. G.; Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M.; Dias, J. M.; Malcata, F. X.; Boaventura, R. A. R.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “PIV4Algae – Process Intensification for microalgal production and Valorisation”. Conferência Associação Portuguesa de Algologia Aplicada (APAA 2019), Matosinhos, Portugal. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Lopes, A. P.; Santos, F. M.; Silva, T. F. C. V.; Vilar, V. J.; Pires, J. C.. (2019). “Microalgal biomass production and nutrient uptake in a new photobioreactor configuration”. IWA Conference on algal Technologies and Stabilization Ponds for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery (IWAlgae 2019), Valladolid, Spain. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Santos, F. M.; Mazur, L. P.; Mayer, D. A.; Pires, J. C.. (2018). “Inhibitory effect of heavy metals in microalgal growth and nutrient uptake in wastewater: an experimental and mathematical approach”. 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (ChemPor), Aveiro, Portugal. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
Losa, J. P.; Martins, F. G.; Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M.; Dias, J. M.; Malcata, F. X.; Boaventura, R. A. R.; Pires, J. C.. (2018). “PIV4Algae – Process Intensification for microalgal production and Valorisation”. 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (ChemPor), Aveiro, Portugal. (Conference abstract and poster presentation).
PIV4Algae webinar, 2022. Presentation of main project results to high school students of Colégio do Minho (65 participants).
PIV4Algae webinar, 2022. Presentation of main project results to high school students of Colégio Campo de Flores (66 participants).
Project PIV4Algae (PTDC/BTA-BTA/31736/2017; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031736), funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES: